HSA Dues
Cynwyd HSA Dues 2024-25
Your generosity and support enable the Cynwyd Elementary HSA to provide your child with an enriched, educational experience. Dues are essential to our mission of engaging students, staff and families outside of the classroom. This year kindergarten through third grade's dues will be $35 and fourth grade's dues will be $80. Payment is due Wednesday, November 27th.
Fourth Grade Parents & Guardians
This is such an exciting year for your child! We plan to celebrate the graduating class throughout the year so that they know how impressive they are and how proud our community is of them. Your dues will go to extra special items and events such as the yearbook, an offsite end-of-year celebration, a Class of 2025 t-shirt, a Cynwyd & Merion get-together, field day supplies, and so much more!
How to pay?
Cash/Check: Please place cash or check (made payable to: "Cynwyd HSA") in an envelope labeled "Classroom Dues - Your Child's Name/Grade/Teacher" and send it to school with your child.
To pay online: You must be logged in to your account to access the online payment store. If you have more than 1 student, you must add each to the cart before checkout.
We do not want this to create a financial hardship for any family. The HSA will pay this amount for you if you are unable to do so; simply contact Lisa Ruzzi (ruzzil@lmsd.org) to make confidential arrangements.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at cynwydhsapresident@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your support. We are looking forward to an exciting school year!
The Cynwyd HSA supports the students, families, and staff. We are the connection between the home and the school.
Donations from families fund initiatives including:
- Classroom Celebrations- Fall Fest, Valentine’s Day, and End-of-Year Parties/Field Day
- School-wide Assemblies and Special Events
- Staff Appreciation Meals, Special Treats, End-of-Year Gifts
- HSA Newsletter, Website, and Online Student Directory Access
- 4th Grade also includes a T-Shirt, Yearbook, Field Trip, End of Year Celebration among other special events
- And much more....