Volunteer Opportunities
Get your clearances ready for next year's volunteer opportunities!
Here's a preview......
Owlbert’s Emporium (full school year) - work with HSA and office to share schedule, create signup genius and order items for store based on HSA budget.
Pumpkin Sale (fall) - Reach out to nursery to order pumpkins based on numbers similar to last year. Work with Presidents to come up with pricing. Create flyers. Work with office to share schedule with parents. Create signup genius for volunteers.
Plant Sale (spring) - Reach out to nursery. Organize delivery day. Create flyers. Determine plants to sell. Work with volunteers to collect plant sheet and checks. Input order information into excel. Place order with nursery. Signup genius for day of event help. Work with treasurers to drop off cheks and pay nursery.
Bingo - Order snacks, pizza preorder (if interested), prizes. Work with webmaster to presell tickets. Create flyers. Work with presidents and office on timing, capacity, etc. Create signup genius for volunteers
K Social (beginning of school year) - A snack and craft/activity for K students and parents only. Work within budget. Flyers and promotion to K families. Typically about an hour.
1st Grade Social (beginning of school year) - A snack and craft/activity for 1st students and parents only. Work within budget. Flyers and promotion to 1st families. Typically about an hour.
Lunch Organizer (full school year) - create a signup genius for your grade requested 2 volunteers per lunch period. Will need 1 person per grade.
Quizzo (New Event) - Help plan a family friendly Quizzo night. Order snacks and prizes within a budget. Work with Presidents and School admin on ticket sale pricing, capacity, timing. Create flyers. Promote event. Signup genius for volunteers for day of.
Used Book Sale (New Event) - Work with presidents and school admin on days/times. Create flyers. Collect gently used books and other items from Cynwyd Community. Work within budget to purchase gift bags, wrapping paper. Signup genius of volunteers will be needed. Event will be during school hours to sell gently used books and other small gifts before the holidays. Students will bring small amounts of money during school hours.
Pancake Breakfast (New Event Post-COVID) - Work within a budget to order supplies. Create a signup genius for volunteers day of event. Create flyers for the event. A weekend morning - families can come and have handmade pancakes (and maybe donated baked goods)
Night Owl - a HUGE adults only fundraiser. Rent out a party room/venue. Online auction site. Organize food - apps, dinner, dessert, drinks. Business and family sponsorships. Silent Auction. Life Auction. DJ. Entertainment. Baskets of items donated by grade. Decorations. Sell tickets. Organize volunteers. 2-3 Chairs to run the event, plus chairs to run subcommittees. Will work closely with HSA on budget, district rules, etc
End of Year Picnic - Organize the end of year picnic. Find DJ. Organize pizza and snack sales. Create flyers and promote the event. Signup genius to find volunteers.
Cookbook - 1 Person to work with Sara Kahn and office to create a Cywnyd Cookbook. Find website to create. Request recipe submissions from students and staff. Work on pricing, dates, delivery. Create flyers, submission form, deadlines.
Sunshine Committee - work closely with the HSA Board and the school. Organize a fundraising bake sale (usually during Plant sale). Will work within a budget. Create flyers to share with school. Create a list of volunteers willing to help. Sunshine committee is responsible for spreading sunshine throughout the Cynwyd Community. Dropping off a small game/toy/craft when there is a broken bone. A meal train if a family member has had surgery. Flowers or a card when there has been a death. A Cynwyd Onesie when a baby is born. Box of candy to celebrate a graduation.
4th Grade Volunteer Opportunities
Welcome Back Picnic - purchase and sell snacks at the picnic
Pretzel Club (full school year) - Oversee orders, payment and distribution of pretzels every month using Membership Toolkit/Tasty Twisters
Thanksgiving Pie Sale - Oversee orders, promotion, payment and distribution on pies for Thanksgiving
Movie Night - pick movie (must be approved by principal/district), order snacks, pizza, blanket. Promote event and find volunteers.
Freedom Tournament (late winter/early spring) - Work with Mr. Yocum and the 4th grade teachers plan a dodgeball tournament. Sell hot dogs, pizza, snacks, drinks and accept donations
Yearbook - Work with Entourage to pick a theme, collect photos and create 4th grade Yearbook
Promotion Party (end of school year) - Find venue (Levering Mill House), DJ, theme - decor, student code of conduct, snacks, party plan, volunteers
Restaurant Week - Work with teachers on spirit days and find 4 restaurants that want to share a % of profits with CES
Cynwyd Merion Meetup (spring) - work with Merion Elementary School 4th grade volunteers. Organize a get together on Cynwyd Field. DJ, Snack, Drinks. Invited BCMS Principals.
Yard Sale Sign (spring) - Oversee design, orders, payments
4th Grade T-Shirt (fall/winter) - Work with Mr. Armideo and the 4th Grade teachers to design & place order for t-shirts
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 15
- Thursday, March 20
- Wednesday, March 26