4th Grade Parents - Please help with Yearbook
Growing Up at Cynwyd
Please submit photos by February 10th
We need your help with content for our 4th grade yearbooks!
Please submit high resolution photos from school sponsored activities - first day of school, class parties, Halloween, field trips, book fair, 100 days of school, biography days, lunch helper, etc.
Please note: These are different from the photos your child will use for their individual student pages.
Google Drive Info Google drive is organized by school year please drop in the correct folder
To access the yearbook google drive CLICK HERE https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Uplkux2m8NQfSR3NkeYM9WLv8LheIk7W?usp=drive_link
Questions? Email cynwyd4thgradeyearbook@gmail.com
Cover Contest Text:
Calling all 4th Graders!
Calling all 4th Graders!
This Year’s class theme is “Growing up at Cynwyd”
Submit a hard copy (8.5x11 Portrait) of your design to your teacher or scan and email cynwyd4thgradeyearbook@gmail.com .
Please include your name in the bottom right corner
Questions? Email cynwyd4thgradeyearbook@gmail.com
Submissions Due January 24th
Judges will be Mr. Ross and Mr. Papageorge
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 15
- Thursday, March 20
- Wednesday, March 26